We are just a couple short weeks away from the beginning of another school year. As a parent, this is either a day you have been dreading since the last day of school in June or a day that for the last two grueling months you thought would never come! Whether you have savored every last minute of summer break with your little cherub(s) or prayed you would wake up and it would be September, the reality is that back-to-school is right around the corner!

Setting your child up for success will surely make the transition back to the daily grind a bit easier. Organization is the name of the game, both at home and at school. Determining your organizational system for the upcoming year is a job for you and your student to take on together. Giving your child some ownership in this process will increase their “buy in” and encourage independence.

Stick with us over the coming weeks as we discuss organizational tips, tricks and life hacks to make the back-to-school transition smooth and painless. We will be examining and discussing the research behind our suggestions to help better understand the value and importance of tackling the upcoming school year in an organized fashion. Stay tuned!