Did your family participate in the Mannequin Challenge or the Kiki Challenge when it was all the rage? Well it’s time to get out your cameras because the latest craze to take over the internet is… the Microwave Challenge.

The Microwave Challenge originated on the social media app, Tik Tok, formerly known as Musical.ly. It is popular with kids who want to create and share short videos.

Participating in fun challenges as a family is one way to stay connected to the technology aspect of your child’s life. Familiarizing yourself with popular apps and staying current with trends helps to ensure that you and your children maintain a necessary dialogue about appropriate use and internet safety.

What You’ll Need

  • The song, Slow Dancing in the Dark, by Japanese artist, Joji. Forward until you hear the DING of a microwave for a starting point.
  • A smooth surface- a bare floor or large kitchen island will work.

The Goal

Make yourself look like food spinning in a microwave!

How? Just HOW?

I showed my son the video (Insert: parenting win…I knew about it before he did!) and asked him HOW in the world he thought they were doing this! His incorrect answer matched many theories on the internet: fishing wire. We watched this girl break it down for us:

Good Luck!

It is an important parenting strategy to meet kids where they are with technology. It is imperative to that we stay closely connected to this world so that children do not develop a false sense of independence or privacy on the internet. As you stay Cyber Savvy, you encourage a relationship with your children and technology that will serve you well in the future.

Happy Spinning!