If you believe that “Children are as independent as you expect them to be” (-Maria Montessori), then you are always looking for ways that we, as parents, can increase responsibility and independence. When elementary-aged students have a role in the organization of their schedule, they increase their level of independence, learn valuable study skills, and experience genuine self-esteem.
If you haven’t yet set up your whole family calendar, check out the post below to see why we believe it is the first important step to establishing independence and organization in children. https://raisingamazing.org/2019/07/15/a-whole-family-calendar-can-change-everything
Once children can develop an understanding of the flow of the family calendar, they are able to begin to organize their own schedule with the whole family calendar in mind.

This simple visual plan for the week can change everything. It begins to shift the responsibility for preparing for each day from parent to child (with support). Self-esteem in children does not come from participation trophies. It comes from feeling personal pride for independent tasks and accomplishments. When parents allow children to experience independence, exciting things can happen. Try it and see!!
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