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Child Mental Health

Youth Mental Health First Aid Certification

Do you work with youth?  Become a Certified Youth Mental Health First Aider.  Be ready to assist youth with non-crisis and crisis mental health event.

Parenting Classes

Creative Communication: Stop Talking So Your Kids Will Listen!

Learn and practice techniques with your kids that INCREASE communication, trust, and connection.

Child Mental Health

Peaceful Discipline for Change: No Yelling, No Regrets!

Learn discipline decisions that create lasting behavior change without losing your cool!

Parenting Classes

Routines For The Win: Create Consistency for Behavior Change!

Create family routines that increase quality time and reduce arguments.

IEP and Section 504 Plan Advocacy

With 25 years of Special Education and School Counseling experience, Susan and Christy walk you through the process.

Contact Us!

Complete the information below.  We will contact you to schedule your class with Raising Amazing, LLC. 

We customize each class to meet your group’s unique size and needs. 

We look forward to working with you!  

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